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The Crime Of The Century BEST

It's not just a crisis destroying communities and plunging countless people into addiction, but is also a crime, says documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney. His new documentary on HBO is called The Crime of the Century.

The Crime of the Century

Nussbaum, believed to be the brains of the pair, was a student of crime, constantly perusing books on explosives, electronics, criminal investigations and firearms. Wilcoxson brought the brawn to the team, carrying heavy weaponry and intimidating bankers with his intimidating size and booming voice.

Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a German carpenter living in the Bronx who closely resembled the FBI's sketch of the suspect, was arrested in September 1934. Hauptmann's handwriting matched the ransom notes, and more ransom money was found in his home, as were and tools matching tool marks on the ladder from the crime scene. He was convicted and sentenced to death in 1935.

During his 17-year bombing spree he killed three Americans, injured 24 and instilled widespread fear and panic with threats to blow up airliners in flight. His nickname is derived from the 1979 task force created to investigate his crimes, called \"UNABOM\" for the UNiversity and Airline BOMbing targets involved.

Along with the poisoned followers, Jones was found dead, with a gunshot wound to the head. An extensive investigation involving the few survivors of the Jonestown disaster led to the arrest of Larry Layton, who was the only member of the Peoples Temple tried in the U.S. for crimes at Jonestown. He was sentenced to life in prison.

The crime was an act of racial hatred on the church, which hosted key civil rights meetings and had been the target of many bomb threats. The FBI launched an investigation immediately and continued throughout September and October as agents infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan and other local anti-black groups.

The murder of Sergei Kirov--as the event that set off the purges in the Soviet Union--set the stage for Stalin's dictatorship and had a tremendous impact on the entire twentieth century, said Amy Knight, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Carleton University, and former Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center, at a Kennan Institute lecture on 24 February 2000.

Knight went on to explain that the murder, although it occurred over sixty-five years ago, continues to be a subject of controversy and debate by historians. Some historians have put forth the theory that Stalin himself was involved in the assassination by ordering the NKVD chief to arrange for the murder. Knight explained that the suspicions arose from the unusual circumstances of the crime: the floor on which he was killed had restricted access; Kirov's bodyguard was too far behind him to be of assistance, and was killed the next day in a mysterious truck accident; and the shooter had been caught by the NKVD at least once prior to the assassination in possession of a handgun and released. The theory posits that Stalin's motive was to do away with a "moderate" politician and possible rival (there are rumors that Kirov received more support than Stalin at the 17th Party Congress).

Based on archival work and an investigation of Kirov as a man and politician, Knight concluded that there is a "fairly convincing circumstantial case" linking Stalin to the crime. Not only was there tension between the two, but the circumstances surrounding the crime and its investigation point to NKVD involvement. Knight is sure that the NKVD would not have acted without the consent of Stalin, which means that Stalin punished thousands of innocent people for a crime committed because of his own lust for power.

ALEX GIBNEY: Within the last 20 years, more than 500,000 Americans have been killed by overdoses. Controlled-release OxyContin would be the drug that triggered the opioid crisis. But what if we discovered that the crisis started with a crime?

ALEX GIBNEY: So, Amy, I think this started for me when I had a discussion with a group of investigative journalists at The Washington Post, who collaborated with me on this project, as well as some other journalists, and they sketched out the scope of this opioid crisis over the course of 20 years. And as they talked to me, I realized that the big problem here was that we had been seeing it as a crisis, like a natural disaster, like a flood or a hurricane, rather than as a series of crimes. And the crimes really coalesce around the idea of fraud.

"This is the crime of the century," Trump told rally-goers Saturday in Austin, Texas, at the American Freedom Tour. "I'm actually writing a book about it called The Crime of the Century. I don't think you'll enjoy it. You'll be very depressed when you read it, but we want to have it down for historic reasons."

Global corporations, with their worldwide network of subsidiaries, high technology and marketing systems, far outstrip the puny regulatory efforts of a government that considers corporate crime a minor nuisance at worst. Nothing short of a complete moral transformation of the corporate ethos will stop dumping. Until that unlikely transformation takes place, we recommend the following:

"I felt that the whole idea of the crisis was being treated as if it were a spontaneous event that just couldn't have been helped," Gibney said. "What was missing was the element of crime, in particular the sort of broad, over-arching conspiracy."

"He was able to cast all moral qualms to the side and rapaciously and relentlessly sell a drug that he knew was terrible for people, in ways that were utterly reprehensible," Gibney said. "But he takes us through the process step by step by step in a way that's just jaw-dropping. You understand ultimately how the crime works."

The opioid crisis shows "the danger of what happens when you mix a kind of turbo-charged 21st-century capitalism with health care," he said. "You realize the incentives are all wrong. You realize the incentives are to make money rather than care for patients."

But though the sober philosopher perceives in war a phenomenon eminently natural and absolutely inevitable; though he realizes that the masses of mankind must remain subject to the will of a dominant aristocracy so long as the present structure of the human brain endures; he can none the less find in the colossal conflict an ample cause for the deepest regret and the gravest apprehension. High above such national crimes as the Serbian plots against Austria or the German disregard of Belgian neutrality, high above such sad matters as the destruction of innocent lives and property, looms the most supreme of all crimes, an offence not only against conventional morality but against Nature itself; the violation of race.

The division of such a splendid stock against itself, each representative faction allying itself with alien inferiors, is a crime so monstrous that the world may well stand aghast. Germany, it is true, has some appreciation of the civilizing mission of the Teuton, but has allowed her jealousy of England to conquer her intellectual zeal, and to disrupt the race in a infamous and unnecessary war. 041b061a72


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