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Chuck Rock

The eponymous Chuck Rock is an overweight, square-jawed caveman characterized by loutish and lewd behaviour perhaps influenced by the lad culture of the 1990s. Chuck has a limited vocabulary (his favourite phrase being "Unga Bunga" and not much else), has a balding head cut into a punk-style mohawk, eats whole dinosaur-steaks raw in one bite, and has a penchant for picking up rocks and throwing them at things, hence his name. Chuck is a guitarist and singer (or shouter) in a rock band along with some other cavemen, his attractive wife Ophelia Rock, and a long-haired dinosaur bass player; and whilst on stage he wears a long wig to hide his balding head.

Chuck Rock


Some dinosaurs will assist Chuck, such as the brontosaurus that helps Chuck across a swamp, although almost all dinosaurs encountered will attack Chuck. The game was notable for the major form of defense, which was to belly bounce with Chuck's beer belly, and for the catchphrase "unga bunga!" which was shouted by Chuck at the start of each level. Alternatively the character could pick up and "chuck" rocks at opponents. There is also a puzzle element to the game, as certain rocks are used to reach high areas. Health is indicated by the size of a heart icon. Health and score can be raised by finding dinosaur steaks and eating them. There is a boss at the end of each level.

The setting of the game is a fictional prehistorical Stone Age world where dinosaurs and ancient creatures still roam the Earth. Chuck Rock is an overweight, square-jawed caveman with a penchant for picking up rocks and throwing them at things. Chuck is a guitarist and singer in a rock band along with some other cavemen, his wife Ophelia Rock, and a long-haired dinosaur bass player.

Chuck can pick up rocks by pressing + while next to or in front of a rock. He can set the rock down with + or "chuck" the rock with . He can throw rocks at opponents to defeat them or position them to reach higher areas. Rocks can be stacked on top of each other to reach higher areas. Rocks can also be used to shield Chuck from enemy attacks from above. Chuck has reduced movement speed and jump height while holding a rock. Holding rocks causes Chuck to sink when underwater.

The game is a side-scrolling platformer. Chuck fights a variety of dinosaurs using his belly-buster attack and a jump kick. Occasionally he has to pick up and throw rocks to defeat enemies and allow him to jump to greater heights.

When you see a rock chuck in the wild it best to admire them from a distance. However, evenif you tried to approach one, they would scurry away and hide in an ocean of rocks wherethey can dip and dive to avoid any contact.

Rock chucks have a rather frosty appearance with some of its facial hair having pale tipscarried out by dark thick stalks. The yellow-bellied marmot has an interesting skull shapeand dark colored head. Its nose is black but with an off white coloration that makes itseem light. Their body is covered in a thick fur that ranges in color from dark orange tofrothy white - these are all good adaptations to help them survive harsh weather conditionslike winter cold.

Their weight ranges any where from 3 lbs all the way up to 11 lbs and they carrier theirweight in a way that makes them look like a teenager that loves playing video games andmunching on Cheeto Puffs when they are sitting down, over looking their domain from arock hill.

It isn't often that you will find a rock chuck near a mountain stream or a lake enjoyinga nice sip of cold mountain spring water. This is because their diet, foods such asalfalfa and clover, provides most of their water requirements. Leaving them the freedomto live high above the rest of the world in a climate that most animals and plants couldnot survive in.

You can often find them in steppes, meadows, or rocky outcrops called talus fields.Sometimes these animals even take up residence near forest edges which provide morespace than deep woodlands. They sometimes reside on the edge of forests or deciduoustrees because they need room to move around.

Over all, a single rock chuck will cover about 6 acres of land around these areas.If you happen to visit an area where one lives, you will find a number of burrowsdug that allow quick hiding places and protection from the elements.

"The names vary from whistle pig - they do whistle - to potgut-they do have a potbelly."said John Goodell"Here in California we know them as rock chucks and biology books callthem yellow bellied marmots or by scientific name Marmota flaviventris."

It is not often that rock chucks will come into peoples yards, simply because we don'ttypically build homes high up in the mountains where they dwell but it does happen,especially if your home was built on theirs.

To get rid of these guys you are going to want to call a professional. This isbecause their territory most likely extends beyond your property and they can carryvarious diseases that you do not any part of. A professional wildlife remover like Pestcom Pest Management will be able to remove the rock chuck from your property &all of its furry friends.

Naturally, Chuck is having none of this, and sets off on a quest through five stages to rescue Ophelia and put Gary in his place. Chuck can fend off foes with his belly, jump kicking them, and of course, picking up and chucking rocks at them.

Playing a platformer is all about trust. When you start such a game, you rely on mechanics that won't fail you at the most desperate moments. You go into the experience hoping your jump ability works as planned, that any combat features are useful and not needlessly detrimental, and especially that the challenges you face are fair. When you encounter a game that fails in some way to deliver on these expectations, it's like a knife in the back. And the latest spinal puncture I endured is the caveman-themed side scroller Chuck Rock. I can forgive you if you've never heard of or don't remember this title. It was one of hundreds of cute, cartoony platformers that came out during the '80s and '90s, leading up to the Saturn/PlayStation/N64 era. This one is your standard save-the-maiden affair where a chubby Neanderthal scours a Stone Age landscape for his kidnapped wife, Ophelia. It wasn't exactly a cutting edge piece when it came out in the early '90s, mostly because it didn't boast any standout features and was pretty much presented as yet another mascot game to add to your dusty collection of now-forgotten platformers. Regardless, Chuck somehow spawned a sequel and a sub-par racing spin-off. Stylistically, this game exudes the kind of elements seen in early '90s children's programming. Environments burst with bright, cartoony colors, from lush jungles to slime-covered grottoes. Hell, even the final stage, which depicts mass extinction, manages to show off a such a strangely pleasant palette that you wouldn't think there were millions of life forms dying in unison. Somehow, the pale purple cliff sides and plumes of volcanic smoke maintain the game's Saturday morning cartoon vibe.However, it's not just the vibrant graphics that reinforce the early '90s cartoon atmosphere. You also see it and hear it in all the off-the-wall details and anachronisms that scream "trying really hard to be hip so modern kids will buy this product." It comes in the form of Pteranodons wearing stalking caps, or a Plesiosaur smoking a cigarette underwater, or a Smilodon with a golden ring sticking out of his ear, or the gravelly-voiced WAAAT each dying creature belts out. Like so many IPs aimed at kids from that era, this title attempts to come off as a video game with attitude. Don't get me wrong; I'm not ragging on the style here because it's really not an issue. However, all any of this so-called "attitude" says to me is the game banked more on visible coolness than solid mechanics or effective design. It tries to look the part of an awesome platformer to sucker youngsters into bugging their parents until they purchase it, only to ultimately let the kids down...At first, the game seems functional enough. You perform a lot of the same tasks seen in other platformers, but with a little extra problem solving occasionally thrown in. Now and then, you might pick up a rock to shield yourself from falling boulders, or drop it somewhere so you can use it as a stepping stone. Meanwhile, dinosaurs and various other prehistoric wildlife aim to kill you, only to fall victim to Chuck's patented belly bump or flying kick. And therein lies the beginning of your problems. In order to damage foes, Chuck needs to get so close to them that the two of you end up colliding before the critter dies. As it turns out, timing is key when you dish out damage. You learn to watch your opponents' movements and patterns, eventually figure out how to nail most of them before they can bite off a chunk of Chuck. However, timing eventually goes extinct after a few levels, when the game does everything in its power--including sucker punching you constantly--to throw off your rhythm. First, you bump into enemies that walk back and forth erratically, which doesn't mesh well with timing-based combat. Then you run afoul of creatures that hop about wildly, often sneaking past your strikes and tearing off whole portions of your health in seconds. With these guys, you pretty much have to get lucky to kill them without sustaining harm yourself. Yes, it does get worse, especially when you're dealing with creatures that zip across the screen faster than you can blink, sometimes popping out from behind bits of environment or other obstructions. In other words, there are points where there's no way you could've known what's coming, so you just have to take the cheap shot and move on. Again. And again. And again. And again. Until you lose all of your lives and discover there are no continues, passwords or saves (with the exception of a stage-skipping cheat code). Your quest relies entirely on pattern memorization, which you can only accomplish through repeated failure, frustration and a little luck. Call me ridiculous, but nothing about that setup sounds remotely entertaining. Outside of combat, Chuck provides only the most basic platforming. Yeah, I mentioned problem solving earlier, but every instance of that revolves around picking up a rock and putting it somewhere else. The only other standout feature on offer involves the occasional hidden side route that sometimes holds a health-restoring heart, but typically gives you items that increase your score. The prospect of earning an extra life every 100,000 points theoretically ups the value of these goodies. However, it take so long to amass that high of a score that it's not worth your effort, plus you might end up sustaining more damage trying to earn a measly 2000 or so points. Eff that.So at best, you're looking at a mediocre side scroller, dragged down by its needlessly frustrating battles. All of this could have been avoided if: 1) Chuck possessed an actually capable means of offense, and 2) fights were actually fair. Why not give the guy a club? Was that too predictable? Then contrive a different weapon or fighting style that isn't a total liability. Or, better yet, plot out fewer moments where enemies either come out of nowhere or move about so randomly that they render proper timing next to useless. I'm not saying for a fact that the game was designed to be malicious, but when you go into a platformer like this, you anticipate solid enough mechanics to be able to handle any situation without luck or an inhuman levels of foresight. When such a game fails on that front, it breaches your trust. As a result, it's hard to see a game like Chuck Rock as anything but mean-spirited. 041b061a72


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